The second AGePOP week
The 2nd AGePOP Week in Leuven is already gone. Let’s make a small recap of the most interesting things that happened during that week.
The ESRs had a very engaging time in Leuven. The week started with workshops. The first one was a simulation of older adults’ problems and impairments. ESRs had the chance to feel like older patients with several impairments: vision and hearing impairments, impaired flexibility and arthritis. Experiencing what elderly people have to deal with every day, gave ESRs a better understanding of elderly’s people problems and allow them to share some ideas on how to overcome these problems during drug development.
The second workshop was a simulation of the innovative drug development process in R&D departments. The ESRs got their roles in certain departments in the pharmaceutical company and based on the documentation, they discussed several issues about new drug candidates. The discussion was intense and emotional. ESRs had good arguments for their decisions and had to consider many issues.
During the following days, the ESRs presented their works’ update. All presentations allowed seeing the progress of every project and conducting valuable discussions while also receiving input from the external advisors.
The ESRs were also participating in several lectures organized by KU Leuven. The lectures provided them with insight into problems among older adults, such as swallowing problems, sarcopenia, palliative care, dementia and frailty. The ESRs also had the chance to see the geriatric ward in the hospital and learn more about it.
On the last day, the ESRs visited the pharmaceutical company Janssen in Beerse. Not only did they learn about the history and mission of the company, but they also saw the whole campus with several buildings, departments and laboratories. That was impressive. The ESRs could ask questions about the company and learn something from the experience of workers.
The AGePOP Week was an amazing opportunity to meet in person, not only for the ESRs but also for the whole consortium with beneficiaries and partner organizations. That’s the perfect chance for networking, interesting scientific discussions and sharing ideas.
The whole consortium participated also in the reception in the city hall of Leuven where the major of the city gave a speech.
We thank the whole team from KU Leuven for organizing a great week full of interesting events, a lot of learning and unforgettable experiences. We are looking for our next meeting in person, in autumn 2023.